How to create custom themes
- Open your harry/data folder.
- Duplicate the folder called "classic" and rename it to a name of your choice (e.g. "myTheme"). This name will be the one displayed in the in-game theme list.
- You can change all graphics (*.png and *.jpg) and all sounds files (*.ogg). Make sure you don't change the format of the image files.
- You can add background music (separate for in-game and the menu) by adding files called "game_music.mp3"/"game_music.ogg" and "menu_music.mp3"/"menu_music.ogg".
- You can replace the Harry figures by custom player sprites (like e.g. in the "International Karate" theme). To do this, add files named "player0_stand.png", "player0_run1.png", "player0_run2.png", "player0_run3.png", "player0_run4.png", and the same for player1, containing stand and walk animations. Optionally, you can also add "player0_jump_up.png" and "player0_jump_down.png" (and again the same for player1), containing a jump animation. Note that in most cases, putting the original Harry hairstyles onto your custom players will look strange, so you should disable the classic hairstyles (see below), and add a custom empty hairstyle (e.g. "nohair.png").
- Edit the theme.cfg file:
- version: Should be 1, can later be used to distribute an updated version of the theme.
- author: Your name.
- email: Your e-mail adress.
- description: One line description of the theme, as to appear on the website.
- homepage: Your homepage, in case you have one.
- include_classic_hairstyles: "yes" if you want the classic hairstyles to be available in your theme. If set to "no", only hairstyles in your theme's hair folder will be available. Get the hairmaker program from the download section to create your own hairstyles.
- col_*: Color settings for all texts which appear in the game. The value consists of three comma seperated numbers (0-255) which represent the red, green and blue components of the resulting color.
- The physics parameters: You can play around with these and achieve some pretty crazy results. Just have some fun ;) Note however, if you change some settings too much, the game AI might get confused and make for a pretty bad opponent (of course you can still play in 2-player or network mode!).
- min_game_ver_hi, min_game_ver_mid, min_game_ver_lo: Set this to the current game version to prevent older and possibly incompatible game versions from loading this theme.
- Start Harry, select your theme and check whether everything you changed works fine.
- Zip and send us your "myTheme" folder. We'll put it on our homepage and enable the in-game theme update.
- If this is too little flexibility for you, check out the new possibility of creating custom DLLs for your themes! To get more information, take a look at the readme.txt file in your harry/sdk folder.
- For converting sound files to the .ogg format:
- Only use sound files which have no pauses at the beginning/end of the sound effect.
- Keep the size of a theme as small as possible by deleting unchanged graphics, sounds files etc. in your "myTheme" folder, the game will then automaticly use the classic data for the missing files.
- When creating sprites disable antialiasing mode in your graphic program, only pink colored pixels (RGB=255,0,255) will be transparent in the game.